Monday 26 March 2012

Coursework discussion (1) 14/11

Our first discussion took place on the 14th of November, where we were researching into different film trailers in order for us to select a genre.  We found that the most appealing genre to us was a romance, by looking at trailers from films like 500 days of summer, P.S. I Love You, and others such as The Notebook.  We found that this particular genre had certain conventions which were appropriate to the romance genre, such as slow pace cuts to reflect the mood, non-diagetic music which was generally slow and suggestive of love and the gentleness.
We then began to discuss the main concerns for the production of our trailer, where we had to take into consideration things such as location.  Our original idea  

1 comment:

  1. Unless you upload your blogs now you will fail this part of the course. Some people have over 25 blogs, including evaluation and analysis. You have 9 most of a descriptive nature rather than analytical or evaluative.
    This is your final warning.
    Mrs H
