Friday 9 December 2011

Poster Research

When researching into different film posters produce for the purpose to advertise, target a certain audience and competition with other films being released. 
I chose to research into horror film posters, and found that saw particularly caught my eye because of its graphical gory images used to promote the film. The target audience for the film is unspecified, however it is suggestive that it would definitely appeal to a general younger generation audience i.e. teenagers/young adults who are specifically captured by the horror genre, because of the highly explicit graphic image on the posters.
I also found that because there is a sequence of films in saw, there were a variety of different posters for each different film.  This one in particular caught my eye, because it is instantly recognizable as a horror movie.  The conventions which effect this interpretation are the close up of what appears to be a male face because of a slight stubbly beard, which is reflective of brutal torture, where the beard may have possibly grown suggesting the length of time that a the male could have been tortured for. 
The colour palette tones which have been used on the poster are tones of grey and dark shadowing red, which are extremely suggestive of the darkness and foreshadowing of the film.
This poster automatically raises the audience’s awareness and expectations of the content of the film, the text has been specifically chosen to relate to the genre of the film, and has been inserted around the mouth area of the image, to show that the image is the main focus of the poster because the emphasis draws the audience attention directly to the mouth of what shows missing teeth.  Unlike other posters, this challenges the facotr which would normal


  1. Some pertinent comments about the poster and the horror genre in general. Take care with capital letters (Saw) and spelling (facotr??)
    Mrs H

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